Be part of the club of most skilled and successful dentists with aesthetic rehabilitations.

Differentiate yourself in the dental market and practice the most advanced and predictable conservative techniques, based onocclusal health and clinical longevity.

More than 22,000 students throughout Brazil and abroad have already discovered how skilled hands and clinical eyes can transform the health and aesthetics of their patients, boosting their authority and professional visibility.

Discover some of the stories of Dr. Arbex.

"Your hands can only reproduce what your eyes see"

Rehabilitation goes far beyond aesthetics!

From the moment the patient arrives at the clinic, he trusts the professional who will evaluate him.

Therefore, it is essential that

each professional is prepared and qualified to face the most varied intercurrences that may arise in their daily lives.

From the correct identification of problems, not just those reported by patients, but a complete analysis, contemplating aesthetics, occlusal health and clinical longevity.

The planning of each procedure is essential, from choosing the most suitable equipment to the careful selection of materials, including resins, ceramic laminates, color, among others.

In addition, it is important to have the necessary technical expertise to masterfully execute the treatment and guarantee an extraordinary result for the patient.

Arbexflix Club is perfect for:

Dentistry students, who want to get started correctly in aesthetic rehabilitation.

Professionals who already perform some types of rehabilitation, but wish to expand their techniques.

Professionals who are insecure when diagnosing patients.

Professionals who have doubts about the choice of materials, such as resin and color.

Professionals who want to improve their techniques and provide naturally beautiful and functional smiles.

Professionals who want to become a reference in their region.

Professionals who know the power of an exceptional service, both for their patient's life and for the fulfillment of their professional purpose.

More experienced professional with a lot of time in the clinic but who wants to keep up to date with aesthetic rehabilitation.

More experienced professional with a lot of time in the clinic but who wants to keep up to date with aesthetic rehabilitation.

The professional remains stagnant, without innovating in his office.

The professional is apprehensive when new and unprecedented cases appear.

The professional has doubts at the time of diagnosis and, consequently, in the planning of the procedure.

The professional has no security in his own technical expertise.

Before Arbexflix

The professional opens up a range of possibilities to serve the most diverse types of patients.

The professional brings innovation to his office.

The professional is safe and confident to receive the most varied types of new patients.

The professional knows the step by step for a correct diagnosis and exposes with propriety for a better understanding of the patient.

The professional has extensive knowledge for planning and exquisite execution of all the necessary techniques.

After arbexflix

What is the ARBEXFLIX course?

It is a 100% online exclusive training club for dentists who wish to start or improve as a rehabilitator in Dental Aesthetics based on OCCLUSION and CLINICAL LONGEVITY.

Doctor José Arbex Filho, a renowned specialist with vast experience and considered one of the greatest authorities in aesthetic rehabilitation, shares his clinical cases and techniques to help dentists master the diagnosis, planning and execution of all types of rehabilitations, from the simplest to the most more complex and urgent.

Learn all the necessary protocols to complete the rehabilitation treatment, from the preoperative to the postoperative phase.

You will be able to build beautiful and natural smiles through the fundamental principles of occlusion and disocclusion, choosing the correct techniques to guarantee clinical longevity and aesthetic stability.

Get ready to receive patients with the most diverse types of specificities, such as bruxism, erosions, biocorrosion or severe loss of tooth structure and bring correct and safe solutions to your patients.

+ 12 key themes

Native translation in Spanish and English

Filming of real clinical cases

Complementary handout and mind maps

100% online classes with support

Physical certificate validated and recognized by MEC

Sign up right now and become an expert in advanced aesthetic rehabilitation.

On the Arbexflix Course, you will have access to:

Welcome: Access the platform and start studying with your Hands On material right now

Descriptive: Material Explanation Hands On.

- Step by step to make an aesthetic veneer in composite resin.

- How to achieve aesthetics in harmony with function (DH pro).

- Detailing on pre-polishing, gloss and re-polishing.

- Disocclusion guide + anatomy.

- Live from Dr. Arbex: The correct way to wax your teeth.

Conceptual Class 1

Fundamentals of occlusion, with explanation of a real and highly complex case, demonstrating how the limit of the resin is closely linked to the limit of the operator.

Conceptual Class 2

Discover the real importance of a functional assessment. Aesthetics as a consequence of the functional organization of a smile.

Demonstration of a complete clinical case in composite resin.

14 complete classes.

Composite resin maintenance program.

Periodic Maintenance of Composite Resins.

Module 1: Longevity of resins and clinical reality

In this module, there will be 5 classes with demonstration of all the fundamentals of occlusion and disocclusion, including long-term follow-up, with real examples:

1- Resin upgrade 27 years after a coronary fracture.

2- Resin restoration on both arches
3- When to opt for a partial or veneer restoration?

4- Why do our resins last for so many years? How to maintain the structure and design of the smile when the patient wants to improve without changing? How to make a new layering with whiter teeth using a very conservative technique?

5- Learn to work with the Arbexflex spatulas and learn to choose the color and resins, understanding the entire sequence of using the Arbexflex spatulas.

Module 2: The Importance of Planning Ceramics and Resins in the Clinical Routine

In this module, you will discover the main fundamentals to know when to use resin and when to use ceramics, using explanations with real cases:

1- Resins and Ceramics: When, why and main concepts for the correct choice. (3 Classes)

2- Ceramic lenses and laminates in smile aesthetics: demonstration with selected and detailed cases.

3- Learn to plan your aesthetic works in the initial consultation: from the restorative test, planning of the functional and anatomical part and color definition.

4-Transitioning from ceramic lenses to resins in 2 teeth: a special case study.

5- The decision for resins based on the fundamentals of occlusion and disocclusion: a case study on bruxism.

Module 3: The Limit of Composite Resins

“The resin limit is closely linked to the operator limit”

In this module, you will find real and complex cases, with step by step, from diagnosis, planning and masterful execution.

1- Lateral agenesis: complex case study of disocclusion in canines.

2- The difficult decision between the ideal and possible treatment: the importance of restorative testing in the first consultation and doing a more immediate job with excellence.

3- Central agenesis: case study.

4- Agenesis of 10 elements: case study from planning to carrying out extensive work without dental preparation.

5- Possible treatment on different substrates: case study.

6- How and why to adhere resins to ceramics? How to perform conservative work on a patient who does not want to change the old prosthesis.

Module 4: Opacity and Translucency Control

In this module, we will address the control of opacity and translucency in aesthetic rehabilitations, including case studies, techniques for color harmonization and the final result in lenses and ceramic crowns, in addition to addressing the case of a darkened center and its harmonization with a single resin.

1- High translucency: case study.

2- High Opacity: case study.

3- Ceramic Laminates - different substrates: how to harmonize anatomies, endodontics, implants, natural teeth and veneers, in addition to resizing aesthetics.

4- The difficult balance between lenses and ceramic crowns: how to achieve color homogeneity and the final result.

5- The challenge of the darkened central: case study with a technique to harmonize using only one resin.

Module 5: Additive rehabilitation with and without DVO alteration.

In this module, there will be 12 complete classes on additive rehabilitation, which explain all the technical criteria in the choice of composite resins and ceramics in smile aesthetics and in complete rehabilitations:

1- Conceptual class on additive rehabilitation.

2- Additive rehabilitation 01-05.

3- Additive rehabilitation 06-10.

4- Laboratory phase I.

5- Laboratory phase II.

6- Cementation of the table tops.

7- All steps to perform the laboratory part of the table tops.

8- Direct additive total rehabilitation with punctual increase in DVO.

9- Complete technique for resin removal while maintaining intact enamel.

10- Additive rehabilitation: the importance of occlusal records and all laboratory parts I.

11- Additive rehabilitation: the importance of occlusal records and all laboratory parts II.

12- How to register the DVO.

Module 6: The importance of functional esthetic orthodontic finishing

In this module, you will find several specific cases about orthodontic finishing:

1- How to correctly assess each situation.

2- How to return the canine guides.

3- How to restore anterior and lateral guidance based on individual assessment.

4- In which cases should only be used as an aesthetic complement.

5- How to treat cases of parafunction.

6- How to change the anatomies for aesthetic rehabilitation.

7- Strategic Additions.

8- Should we do aesthetics in very young patients?

9- Transformation of anatomies: a complex case study of lateral agenesis.

Module 7: Advanced Additive Rehabilitation: Additive rehabilitation with and without DVO change.

This is a complementary module to module 5, adding step-by-step and fundamentals for complex case handling:

1. Introduction.

2- Additive total rehabilitation in case of extreme complexity.

3- Rehabilitation with intermediate table tops.

4- Understand the fundamentals of an additive rehabilitation in 2 days of work.

5- All steps of a total additive rehabilitation.

6- Additive rehabilitation with upper and lower intermediate table tops.

7-Total rehabilitation with 20 ceramic veneers organizing the anterior open bite.

8- Additive total rehabilitation in a patient with premature oral aging.

9- The most complete case of additive rehabilitation with table tops.

10- Additive total rehabilitation - Part 1 and 2.

11.- One of the most incredible cases of additive rehabilitation ever performed in the office.

12. Aesthetic and functional rehabilitation without alteration of the VOD.

Módulo 8: Intercorrências do dia a dia

Este é um módulo extremamente importante e útil para o clínico, pois serão abordados casos altamente específicos e possíveis no dia a dia de qualquer dentista:

1- Fratura de coroa e pino no dia 31 de dezembro.

2- Como entender a linguagem dos pacientes e realizar os ajustes necessários.

3- Adesão de resina em cerâmica: quando, como e por que realizar?

4- Retrabalhos em lentes de resina.

Module 9 - Adhesion of resins to ceramics

Module dedicated to bonding resins to ceramics, a valuable alternative for specific cases:

1- Adhesion of resins to ceramics: when, how and why to use this technique?

2- Why do we adhere resins to ceramics?

3- Adhesion of resin to ceramics on various elements to organize the inclination of the jaw.

4- Transformation of the anatomies in a complex case of agenesis of the lateral II.

5- When we adhere resin to ceramics.

Module 10: Diastemas and Bruxism in 3 Stages

In this module, we will present in detail the approach to patients with diastema and bruxism, teaching the complete resolution of each rehabilitation in a conservative and efficient way, through 3 real cases.

1. Introduction

2- The difficult and important decision to perform an aesthetic and functional work on a 14-year-old patient.

3-Aesthetic planning with strategic additions in case of disproportionate diastema associated with bruxism.

4-Advanced additive rehabilitation with closure of large spaces.

Module 11: How long does a smile last? Longitudinal follow-up of patients at Dr.

In this module, we will cover in detail cases with old rehabilitations, which present recessions and exposure of the cervical area, in addition to techniques for repairing cervicals on ceramics and specific solutions for each case of rework, guaranteeing longevity and memorable results for your patients.

1- Partial restorations on ceramic postponing the new rehabilitation.

2- One-off work after whitening 13 years later.

3- Case study: ceramic rework.

4- Aesthetic Upgrade 5 years later with a new stratification.

5- Additive rehabilitation with alteration of the DVO and revitalization of the previous old resins.

Module 12: The great aesthetic and functional challenges of daily practice

In this module, we will address specific plans for challenging cases of aesthetic rehabilitation, from resins to ceramics and finishing. In addition, a case will be presented in which the extraction and the protocol would be indicated, but that it is possible to rehabilitate the patient in a conservative way, restoring aesthetics and function.

1- Total additive rehabilitation with table tops in a class III patient.

2- The fine line between good and great in smile aesthetics.

3- Total rehabilitation in class III patient.

4- What is the difference between the ideal treatment and the possible treatment when the patient has already given up on teeth?


The best lives of the quarantine: 10 lives with
in-depth themes

Choose the best plan for your career:

Online course with welcome module + 12 modules, including all resin, ceramics and periodontal classes.

New classes updated weekly and added to the modules, according to the case study.

Physical certificate validated and recognized by MEC

A DhPro 5.0 kit (Only in BRAZIL)

Printed Materials and Handout

Access for 1 year, with the possibility of renewal, to watch whenever, wherever and as many times as you want.

Support for all queries

Far Beyond Resins and Ceramics

All this by:

12x 382,53

or BRL 3,842.00 in cash

Meet some more students with the results achieved from Dr. Arbex.

During the 7 days, conceptual classes and the first module will be released, containing more than 65 classes, so that you can analyze whether they are the contents you want.

If it is not satisfactory, you can request a refund within the period indicated through our support via email:


Here you will have a dialectic of rehabilitative principles that will keep you always updated for the practice of aesthetic dentistry based on the occlusal function and clinical longevity of the works.

See, understand and reproduce.

The Doctor. José Arbex Filho is a clinical dentist, graduated in Dentistry since 1980 at the Federal University of Diamantina.He is fully dedicated to the care at his clinic in Belo Horizonte-MG.Well known and sought after by Brazilian and foreign patients for highly natural and conservative rehabilitations. As a way to convey all of his specific technique, he uses his Instagram to help other dentists understand and practice a new dentistry based on the principles of occlusal health. His Instagram won the best prize in the Cosmetic Dentistry, Content and Learning categories in 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2022. Author of book chapters and articles in several scientific journals, one of his biggest concerns is the quality of Dentistry Brazilian. And, as a way of being able to contribute altruistically, he offers advice on techniques he has been using for over 40 years in a framework called ARBEXFLIX.



Why is there a complete course for resin and not a complete course for ceramics?

Those who understand resins can understand ceramics, which is why the ceramics course is associated with resins, only then will the professional be complete. The ceramics course is part of a package that goes far beyond ceramic resins, where it goes through different contents for a better understanding of ceramics.

What is the difference between the club and the course?

The Arbexflix Club is a guided platform for the study and complete understanding of restorations in resins and ceramics using the Arbexflix technique.

In the Course you will have access to all classes after the 7 days guarantee and classes will not be guided, you will make your own flow of studies.

I don't work with ceramics. Can I start from the full resin + ceramic training?

Yes, as it is a complete course, Dr. Arbex teaches the detailed step by step of his technique, enabling a better learning process.

Is there a face-to-face module?

The course is 100% online, classes are available on the platform to be viewed whenever and as many times as you deem necessary during 1 year. You can set up a study schedule according to your time availability

What are the forms of payment?

The course can be paid via credit card up to 12x or via cash via boleto, deposit, bank transfer and PIX.

Who is the course for?

The course is intended for undergraduates and graduates in Dentistry, who wish to specialize in aesthetic rehabilitation in resins and ceramics and perform aesthetic work, learning in practice and in a simple way, with one of the greatest aesthetic dentists in the world, Dr. Arbex Son.

How to access the course?

Once payment is approved, you will receive an email with access data to the course through the email registered at the time of registration. Approvals for payments made by credit card are usually made immediately.
However, payment approvals by boleto occur within 72 hours.
If payment is by transfer or pix, proof needs to be sent to one of our attendants so that access to the course can be sent.

Do you have a certificate?

Yes, after completing the 12 modules, a certificate validated by the MEC will be issued.

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